CenHTRO’s project in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) aims to reduce labor trafficking into the Republic of South Africa and other destination countries from Malawi and Zambia. Its specific objectives are to:
1) Reduce the prevalence of cross-border labor trafficking of at-risk 18-37-year-olds by 15% by 2028 in six districts in Malawi and Zambia;
2) Increase by 50% the number of at-risk youth and young adults and labor trafficking survivors who demonstrate financial capability;
3) Increase by 30% the number of equitable financial programs, services, or policies adopted.
Our partners for the baseline and endline research are the Centre for Social Research at the University of Malawi, and the Institute for Economic and Social Research at the University of Zambia. The baseline research consists of a household survey, respondent-driven sampling, and qualitative research across rural and urban districts in each country.
We are working with Washington University, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, the University of North Carolina, and local partners in Malawi and Zambia to develop a culturally adapted financial capability intervention. This intervention will increase the economic capacity of at-risk youth and young adults and labor trafficking survivors. We expect it to lead to improved financial well-being of participants, social and economic development, and institutionalization of financial capability, as well as a sustainable reduction in the prevalence of cross-border labor trafficking.
CenHTRO and our partners work closely with survivors of labor trafficking throughout
the research and intervention activities. We also continuously engage with local and
regional anti-trafficking task forces and cross-sectoral stakeholders to focus on
programs and policies that prevent cross-border labor trafficking and protect survivors.
These activities are ongoing throughout the project's life, building greater capacity
to address labor trafficking sustainably.
Southern Africa Program Manager: Claire Bolton
Malawi Country Coordinator: Annette Mkandawire
Zambia Country Coordinator: Chishimba Mulambia
Zambia Country Coordinator: Maurice Pengele